Columbia Reverb Amp


CLASSIC PRE CBS BLACK TONE. Based on AA1164 circuit.

“The Louis Electric Columbia is the best sounding Princeton I have ever played and maybe even heard. It took me years to settle on this majestic amplifier. The Columbia Reverb has it all…great bottom end and a “sick” mid control. A beautiful tremolo unit and probably the best reverb I have ever played with.”


The Columbia is a 6V6/6L6-based, 18/28 Watt, single 12″ combo amplifier. It is the result of requests from longstanding customers to build a black line series to emulate the beautiful sounds of the pre-CBS black amplifiers. The Columbia is a single-channel amp with two inputs.

The Tremolo circuit was slightly modified for a deeper and richer tremolo sound The Reverb circuit has also been modified to deliver a smoother, less intense reverb sound.

The Columbia comes standard with a 6V6 tube configuration. The amp can accommodate a 6L6 configuration for 28 Watts of output power. An additional feature with the 6L6 configuration is a 4k/8k option. This allows the player to simply switch the load to provide a cleaner or more distorted sound. The 4k option provides cleaner tones, while the 8k will lower the wattage and provide quicker mid-range break up.

The original Princeton Reverb had volume, treble and bass controls. The Louis Electric Columbia Reverb has added a middle control knob for additional tone shaping.

  • Classification: AB1, fixed bias
  • Recommended Bias 2/6V6s 17 to 25 mili amps for each side
  • Recommended Bias 2/5881 30 to 40 mili amps for each side
  • Power output: 18 watts with 6V6, 28 watts with 6L6
  • Speaker: Jupiter 12LP
  • Speaker load: 8 ohms
  • Single Channel, 2 input
  • Controls: volume, treble, middle, bass, reverb, speed, intensity
  • Pre Amp Tubes: 3-12AX7, 1-12AT7
  • Output Tubes: 2-6V6 for 18W or 2-6L6 for 28W
  • Rectifier: 5AR4
  • Height: 18.5″, Width: 20″, Depth: 10″
  • Weight:  30lbs.
  • Eyelet Terminal board construction
  • Hand-selected caps and resistors
  • Custom designed hand built transformers
  • Belton tube sockets
  • Switchcraft and Carling input jacks and switches
  • High quality machine grade fasteners
  • Moisture free circuit board
  • Color: Two-tone Black/Brown


“I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how thoroughly impressed I am with this amplifier and your work. Definitely has an “It” factor that few amps have. That certainly has everything to do with how you build. Worth the wait x100. Thank you so very much Louis!”

“Louis, tried to call you today to let you know that Columbia came in last Thursday. I spent about 5 minutes dialing in my tone straight into the amp and about 2 hours dialing in my pedals to the amp. I was very impressed with what I was hearing. I took the new rig out and used it on Friday and Saturday night and have to say that I was amazed at my tone. I have never heard my pedals and guitars sound so good. I only had the amp on 3 and it was the best tone I have ever heard come out of the guitar amp. Simply Amazing. I have owned every brand of amp you can think of looking for this tone and this thing just nails it. I assumed you shipped the amp with 6V6’s but never thought to look. It just sounded so rich and harmonic with just a hair of crunch with my P90 equipped guitar and with my Tele. Thank you so much for your assistance and attention to detail on these amps. Thing of Beauty.”


Just returned home! Got a chance to unpack and play the Columbia Reverb you just created for me. WOW! THANK YOU! Such a fantastic amp! You captured that chime and that sweet note fullness that IS a Princeton but in a way that’s actually better. Not as boxy sounding nor as nasal as the original. LOVE it.

Thanks so much. I can see why you have such a great reputation..that alone was why I went with you.




I took delivery of the amp on Saturday and was finally able to play it this morning.  First of all I want to say that this amp sounds awesome – Amazing tone! I’ve owned several Fender and boutique amps and the Columbia shines above them all.  The Vibrato sounds phenomenal, probably the best of any of my amps!

Louis Electric Columbia Reverb, a handwired amp that blends the best aspects of the Fender Princeton and Deluxe circuits. This amp features incredible reverb and bias tremolo – in my opinion, the best I’ve ever had (with Tone King Sky King and Milkman Creamer coming in close behind, but the Louis Electric takes the top spot).